Curriculum Vitae

Academic Employment

Associate Professor with Tenure, Peking University, 2022 -

Assistant Professor, Emory University, 2021 - 2022

President’s Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS), 2017- 2022

Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2016-2017


Ph.D. in Economics, Harvard University, 2016

M.A. in Economics with distinction, Peking University, 2011

B.S. in Physics and B.A. in Economics with distinction, Peking University, 2008

Academic Affiliations and Other Employment

Editor, Economics of Transition, 2018 - Present

Associated Editor, China Economic Review, 2021 - Present

Guest Editor, China Economic Review, 2021

Guest Editor, Journal of Asian Economics, 2021

Fellow, China Center for Economics of Human Development, 2018 - Present

Research Fellow, The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2014 – Present

Board of Directors, The Chinese Economists Society (CES), 2016 – 2017

NBER Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Aging and Health Economics, 2013 – 2014

Inequality Doctoral Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, 2013 – 2016

Wertheim Fellow, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard University, 2013 – 2015

Student Affiliate at Institute for Quantitative Social Science 2012 – 2016

Grants and Projects

2024 Special Project on Digital and Humanities: Digital Economy Empowering Human Capital and High-Quality Economic Development 2024年数字与人文专项课题:数字经济赋能人力资本与经济高质量发展 (PI)

2024 Planned Textbook Econometrics: Applied Micro Perspectives and Chinese Cases 2024年规划教材项目 《计量经济学:应用微观视角及中国案例》 (PI)

2024-2027 Human Capital Externalities and High-Quality Economic Growth: Phenomena, Mechanisms and Impacts, NSFC General Program 自科面上项目: 人力资本外部性与经济高质量增长:现象、机制和影响 (PI)

2024-2025 Peking University Fourth Batch of AI-Enhanced Curriculum Development Project (General Project): Development of an Auxiliary Teaching System Based on Large Language Models 北京大学第四批(2024年)人工智能助推课程建设项目(一般项目): 基于大语言模型的辅助教学体系建设 (PI)

2023-2024 Peking University Tong Shan Education Fund Research Grant Project (Key Project): The Long-Term Individual Impact of the Sino-Japanese War 北京大学桐山教育基金研究资助课题(重点项目): 中日战争的个体长期影响 (PI)

2023-2025 Empowering Digital Economy, Enhancing Human Capital, and Online Shopping Consumption, Peking University Digital Finance Research Center 北京大学数字金融研究中心课题:数字经济赋能、人力资本提升与网购消费 (PI)

2024-2025 ADB-PRC project:Responding to Demographic Pressures by Strengthening the Policy Framework Addressing the Low Fertility Landscape (Team Leader)

2024 Undergraduate Education Reform Project:”Practical Reform of the ‘Economic Research Training’ Course” 北京大学24年本科教改项目-《经济学研究训练》课程实践化改革 (PI)

2023-2026 An Economic Analysis and Public Policy Assessment of China’s Declining Birthrate and Aging Population, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) 海外优青项目:中国少子化和老龄化的经济学分析与公共政策评估 (PI)

2023 Undergraduate Education Reform Project: “Exploring the Reform of the ‘Econometrics’ Course” 北京大学23年本科教改项目-《计量经济学》课程改革探索 (PI)

2023-2024 Digital Finance, Retirement Shock, and Asset Allocation among Middle-aged and Elderly, Peking University Digital Finance Research Center 北京大学数字金融研究中心课题:数字金融、退休冲击与中老年资产配置 (PI)

2023-2024 Research on Population Development Strategy: Classification and Estimation of the Cost of Childbearing in China, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (人口发展战略研究——我国生育代价的分类和估算, 卫健委) (PI)

2022-2024 Policy Analysis for Healthy Aging in China, Peking University Start-up Fund 北京大学学科建设项目, 中国健康医疗养老政策实证研究 (PI)

2017-2021 Public Policies, Human Capital, and Social Welfare Outcomes, NUS Start-up Fund (PI)

Honors and Awards

2024 The 9th Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award for Higher Education Institutions (Humanities and Social Sciences) - Young Achievers Award 第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)-青年成果奖

2023 Annual Scholar of the China Youth Agricultural Economists Forum 中国青年农业经济学家论坛年度学者

2023 Masahiko Aoki Award for Economics Papers 第四届青木昌彦经济学论文提名奖

2020 Zhang Peigang Award for Young Scholars in Development Economics 第三届张培刚发展经济学青年学者奖

2018 Innovative Leading Talent (Short-Term) Project, Jiangxi Province ‘Double Thousand Plan’ 江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才(短期)项目

2016-2017 NBER Post-Doctoral Fellowship on Economics of an Aging Workforce

2015-2016 NBER Dissertation Fellowship on Economics of an Aging Workforce

2015-2016 Jeanne Humphrey Block Dissertation Award, Harvard University

2015 Extraordinary Potential Prize of Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, Chinese Ministry of Education

2011, 2014 Warburg Research Fund, Harvard University

2014 Poster Session Winner, Population Association of America

2013-2014 NBER Pre-doc Fellowship in Aging and Health Economics;

2013-2014 IQSS Graduate Research and Conference Travel Grant, Harvard University

2012 Cheung Yan Family Research Grant, Harvard University

Referee Activities

American Economic Journal, American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, China Economic Review, Economics and Education Review, Economics and Human Biology, Economics of Transition, Economic Inquiry, Health Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Real Estate Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Research Policy, Science